Thursday, May 8, 2014

Classes and Trips


Throughout the time being here at Providence University, I did have to attend class, but as you can see below, it is not like 'normal' class. I had a lot of fun going and doing all sorts of these things! We did have a regular Chinese language class where we learned the language, now I only know very minimal phrases, but it was more than what I went into the class knowing!
We were learning ink painting in this class. So I was able to ink paint on a fan.

I was able to draw Chinese symbols with ink. I have always wanted to do this, and I finally was able to do the real thing. The one you see is a symbol for dragon, this was my favorite one we learned.

We were able to do traditional dough making. It was a lot like playing with play dough but for adults. Pictured above is a bird/parrot that we made. I thought it was fun!

Famous Drum and Dance Troupe

We were able to visit a famous Taiwan drum and dance troupe. This is a group that does ceremonies at temples, and also preforms their routine all over the world. I thought it was really cool, because there is a movie about them as well, and we were able to see the real thing after watching the movie!
One thing they did that we were able to do is dance in the traditional costumes, I danced in them and they were hard to see out of, but a lot of fun to dance in.

We were able to do face painting and I think that it turned out really well. I love it, and when we walked back onto campus everyone gave us strange looks.

This is a practice picture, but during the real runway modal show, we had traditional clothing on, and were able to strut like we mean it!

We were able to learn a real drum song and we were able to play the drums. It was very fun and I was glad I had the chance to play the drums at a temple!

We presented them with a certificate for helping us and teaching us the basics of a drum and dance troupe. Pictured here is a Providence University teacher and the Drum troupe leader.
I had a fun time participating in all of my classes, it was fun to get to know my teachers and learn a lot from them. I also loved going on the trip to visit the drum troupe. That day was amazing and I loved so much of that day! I will have to find the movie when I come home, because the movie was really good and will remind me of the awesome day I had with them.
Signing out,
Michael Reed